Property Insurance
Home Insurance
It is an insurance that protects the property and the belongings if the policyholder so wishes, with coverage that covers the main risks such as: fire in the building, fire in the contents, broken glass, theft of contents, etc.
This is an insurance that protects the home and property in cases of fire, earthquakes, robbery, theft, civil liability and expenses caused by uninhabited property. This insurance helps protect the value of the property in case one of the following scenarios occurs.

Vehicle Insurance
Vehicle insurance covers damage that may be suffered by the insured vehicle, as well as damage caused to third parties.
The coverages that vehicle insurance can include are:
Material damage: Repair or replacement of parts of the vehicle, or compensation to third parties for damages caused.
Personal injury: Compensation for death, disability, incapacity, medical care expenses and recovery or rehabilitation.
Civil liability: Covers damages caused to third parties or their property.
Theft: Covers total or partial theft of the vehicle, or theft of the vehicle.
Fires and explosions: Covers damages caused by fires or explosions.
Natural phenomena: Covers damage caused by rain, hail, or other natural phenomena.
Vandalism: Covers damage caused by vandalism, riots or protests.
Roadside assistance: Some insurance policies offer roadside assistance.
It is important to note that vehicle insurance coverage may vary depending on the policy and the insurance company.

Civil Liability Insurance
Civil liability insurance is a contract that protects the insured from damages that may be caused to third parties. This insurance covers personal, material or property damage that the insured may cause in the development of his activities, whether in his private or professional life.
Liability insurance can be useful in situations such as: Negligence by a company, An accident or event covered by the policy.
Civil liability insurance can be of different types, for example:
Contractual liability insurance.
Professional liability insurance for engineers and architects or other professionals.
Non-contractual liability insurance.